Monday, January 28, 2013

Filofax, week 2

Here is the end of week 2 in Alice! It is full with details! As I look back at my diary pages I see that my life is so full of activities! Wow! You don't realize it until its on paper.. o_o  But I wouldn't change it for the world! I fill my dairy with activities for the day, things to do, and meals.

I'm am really enjoying the ff week on 2 pages. I received those last week so this was my first week to write on them! :) Much better then the diary pages it came with!
I've been looking at other diary pages and really like them, but I've told myself to get through these first and  maybe next year I can change! Trying to still to my goal of not spending on wants so much. Harder then I thought! But hey I've done pretty good!!

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