Monday, January 28, 2013

liz.doty's photostream

Photo-A-Day ChallengePhoto-A-Day challengePhoto A Day ChallengePhoto-A-Day ChallengePhoto-A-Day ChallengePhoto-A-Day Challenge
Back to brown hair! Oh I missed you. LolPhoto-A-Day ChallengePhoto-A-Day ChallengeAlice pageFilofaxFilofax
Photo-A-Day ChallengePhoto-A-Day ChallengePhoto-A-Day ChallengePhoto-A-Day ChallengePhoto-A-Day ChallengePhoto-A-Day Challenge
Photo-a-day challengePhoto-A-Day ChallengePhoto-A-Day ChallengePhoto-A-Day ChallengePhoto-A-Day ChallengePhoto-A-Day Challenge

Washi tape for my Filofax

The CRAZE of washi tape!! I think I am addicted! Lol! I now have 12 different rolls of tape! But who is counting!?! I absolutly love it!! I love looking at I am still in search of an Alice in Wonderland tape. I've seen it on Flickr.. but no luck :( sad sad.. But I'll keep searching!

What kind of tape collection do you have? I'm eager to see!

Filofax, week 2

Here is the end of week 2 in Alice! It is full with details! As I look back at my diary pages I see that my life is so full of activities! Wow! You don't realize it until its on paper.. o_o  But I wouldn't change it for the world! I fill my dairy with activities for the day, things to do, and meals.

I'm am really enjoying the ff week on 2 pages. I received those last week so this was my first week to write on them! :) Much better then the diary pages it came with!
I've been looking at other diary pages and really like them, but I've told myself to get through these first and  maybe next year I can change! Trying to still to my goal of not spending on wants so much. Harder then I thought! But hey I've done pretty good!!

Week 3 at a glance

Yay! Its already been 3 weeks since I've had my Filofax! As you can tell I've been using crafting tape and more stickers! I'm sure as the week comes to an end it will be even more decorated! :) Love filling Alice with color! I think that if you write in something that makes you happy then you'll want to open it again!

I'll post the end of the week update!

2nd week update

Hello! I've had my filofax now for two weeks!! I love it so much! I've made some changes since my first post. Learning what will work and what else I wanted in my filofax has taken some time! This being my first I think I've done pretty well!

I've made my own dividers using scrapbook paper, Avery notetabs, and a lable maker.
My first divider is my Daily Scripture section.
Second, goals

Third, To do's/Notes

Fourth, Menu Planning
Fifth, Finance

Sixth, Blogs I follow

Seventh, Passwords/Usernames

Having 7 dividers helps me stay organized and I can find things a lot faster! I recently bought my mom a filofax, and helped her set it up. She ended up with 7 dividers also. Some where the same and some where different. Whatever suits your needs!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Today's findings!

I went into Micheal's today and found some scrap booking paper on sale for like 20-50 cents! I only grabbed 3 different sheets. One was Hello Kitty and that was 20 cents! Gotta love it! :)

My plans are to make dividers! One is green with white polka dots, another is cupcakes, and of course Hello Kitty. HK will be for blogs that I follow and ideas from them to jot down. Polka dots will be for my goals, and the cupcake will be for my menu planning. Makes me hungry just looking at it!

One more thing I bought from Micheal's are Hello Kitty notepads! And washi tape!

Everything is just so cute I'm excited to take pics and show off Alice!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Day 5 with Alice

I'm really loving it! I've made some changes already. Hehe. I've added a notepad to the clear sleve in front. I was finding my self searching for a place to jot a note. I've also put my tabs in the credit card holder. That way it isn't so bulky under the front pocket. I also plan to make more dividers for blogs I'm reading, Bible notes, and Goals.

What kind of dividers do you use?  

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Paper clips

In my Filofax I had some paper clips in the side card slot... I pulled one off and noticed it left an indention and a small scratch! Not something I wanted to happen! :-( I have now *carefully* removed the other paper clips and put them on a divider instead.  :-)

Friday, January 11, 2013

My first Filofax!!

I recieved "Alice" on Wednesday and love her already! She is a personal size Finsbury. I've already made my own dividers. Youtube has given me much inspiration! As you can tell I LOVE color! Makes me happy!